Bassorilievo raffigurante il Generale Lee ed è ripreso da una fotografia del Generale.
Robert Edward Lee è stato un generale statunitense. Iniziò la sua carriera nell'esercito statunitense, per sposare da virginiano la causa dei nascenti Stati Confederati d'America, di cui divenne il principale condottiero militare durante la guerra civile. 1807-1870
Dimensioni: cm 7x8
Scolpito da Alberto Mussini
Prodotto non adatto a minori di 14 anni. Pitture, decalcomanie, colle e altri materiali non sono inclusi nella confezione. Alcune parti potrebbero essere piccole o con sporgenze affilate.
L'articolo viene venduto NON dipinto.
E' possibile ordinare l'oggetto dipinto previa richiesta informazioni all'indirizzo info@mussinisas.it.
The bas-reliefs portraits the CSA general, commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, Robert Edward Lee (1807-70). A son of Revolutionary War officer Henry "Light horse Harry" Lee III, Lee was a top graduate of the United States Military Academy and an exceptional officer and military engineer in the US Army for 32 years. During this time, he served throughout the United States, distinguished himself during the Mexican-American war of 1836. Lee married Mary Anna Curtis Lee, great-granddaughter of George Washington's wife. When Virginia's 1861 Richmond convention declared secession from the Union, Lee chose to follow his home state, despite his desire for the country to remain intact and an offer of a senior Union command. During the first year of the Civil War, he served in minor combat operations and as a senior military adviser to Confederate president Jefferson Davis. He led the Army of Northern Virginia, the Confederacy's most powerful army, from 1862 until its surrender in 1865. During the war, Lee earned a solid reputation as a skilled tactician, for which he was revered by his officers and men as well as respected and feared by his US Army adversaries.
Sculpted by Alberto Mussini
Size: 8x7 cm
Product Notes
The bas-reliefs of our production are hand-cast into moulds using very fine high quality ceramic powder that creates smooth and delicate surfaces that highlight all the smallest details of the sculpture. After drying, the piece is treated on the surface with waxes to better finish the product that can be painted with both oil and acrylic even without the addition of a primer.
Product not suitable for children under 14. Paints, decals, glues and other materials are not included in the package. Some parts may be small or have sharp protrusions.
The item is sold NOT painted.
It is possible to order the painted object upon request for information at info@mussinisas.it.