Bassorilievo ispirato ad un'opera del pittore francese Charles Antoine Coypel
( Parigi 1694/1752 ) Apparteneva ad una grande famiglia di artisti: furono pittori anche il nonno Noël, il padre Antoine e lo zio Noël-Nicolas, raggiunse le più alte cariche dell’Amministrazione artistica. Entrò all’Accademia reale di pittura e scultura nel 1715 e ne divenne direttore nel 1747. Ricevette, inoltre, numerosissimi incarichi per dei dipinti nella reggia di Versailles e lavorò spesso per Madame de Maintenon, l’amante del re. Ma soprattutto fu un eccellente disegnatore di arazzi, realizzandone moltissimi, anche per la famosa Manifattura dei Gobelins.
Dimensioni : 8x7 cm
Scolpito da Bianca Sandri
Prodotto non adatto a minori di 14 anni. Pitture, decalcomanie, colle e altri materiali non sono inclusi nella confezione. Alcune parti potrebbero essere piccole o con sporgenze affilate.
L'articolo viene venduto NON dipinto.
E' possibile ordinare l'oggetto dipinto previa richiesta informazioni all'indirizzo info@mussinisas.it.
Bas-relief inspired by a work of the French painter Charles Antoine Coypel
(Paris 1694/1752) He belonged to a large family of artists: his grandfather Noël, his father Antoine and his uncle Noël-Nicolas were also painters, who reached the highest positions in the artistic administration. He entered the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in 1715 and became its director in 1747. He also received numerous commissions for paintings in the palace of Versailles and often worked for Madame de Maintenon, the king's mistress. But above all he was an excellent tapestry designer, even for the famous Gobelins Manufacture.
Dimensions: 8x7 cm
Sculpted by Bianca Sandri
Product Notes
The bas-reliefs of our production are hand-cast into molds using very fine high quality ceramic powder that creates smooth and delicate surfaces that highlight all the smallest details of the sculpture. After drying, the piece is treated on the surface with waxes to better finish the product that can be painted with both oil and acrylic even without the addition of a primer.
Product not suitable for children under 14. Paints, decals, glues and other materials are not included in the package. Some parts may be small or have sharp protrusions.
The item is sold NOT painted.
It is possible to order the painted object upon request for information at info@mussinisas.it.